Mobile App Keefak Teaches Lebanese Arabic

Keefak featured on Arabnet on May 29, 2012. Keefak is a mobile application that teaches Lebanese dialect. “It won’t teach you how to read or how to write, it will only teach you to speak and understand Lebanese Arabic” according to Hadi, App Designer and Architect behind Keefak. While you may ponder the viability of…

Keefak: Teaching Lebanese Arabic on Mobiles

Keefak featured on Naharnet and Seeqnce sites on May 24, 2012. Keefak is a mobile application available on iOS and Android, which offers a fast and convenient solution for the increasing interest in Lebanese-Arabic dialect and its learning needs. A key aspect to learning a language is quality content, a characteristic that Keefak offers in…

Parler l’arabe libanais grâce aux Smartphones

Article paru dans L’Orient Le Jour le 18 avril 2012 . Il y a quelques semaines, les marchés des Smartphones, Apple Store et Android, nous annonçaient la parution d’une nouvelle application pour l’apprentissage de l’arabe libanais à partir du français et de l’anglais, « Keefak », une première en son genre. La présentation de l’application…